Pembekal Karpet Pejabat | Pembekal Karpet Masjid / Karpet Surau | Vinyl Flooring | Laminate Flooring | Carpet Malaysia | Cheap Carpet | Mosque Carpet | Carpet Ofis

Adakah Anda Mempunyai MASALAH Mencari Peniaga yang Menjual & Memasang
 Karpet Pejabat, Masjid dan Vinyl Flooring Yang Selesa dengan 
Harga Mampu Milik?

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Fakta menunjukkan 90% pelanggan sukar mencari Pengedar dan Pemasang Karpet yang boleh memberikan harga mampu milik dan memberikan karpet yang cantik dan tahan lama. 

Ramai antara pelanggan mendapat harga karpet yang murah tetapi FINISHING yang sangat tidak Memuaskan Hati! Kami akui itu adalah masalah yang SERING dihidapi kepada semua pelanggan yang mencari Pengedar dan Pemasang Karpet Pejabat dan Masjid.

Mengapa ini terjadi?

a) Pelanggan Mudah Terpedaya dengan Harga MURAH tanpa melihat hasil kerja peniaga karpet sebelum itu
b) Pelanggan tidak membuat research terlebih dahulu
c) Pelanggan tiada ilmu yang banyak tentang karpet serta pemasangannya 


Siapa Kami?

Kepakaran kami adalah Membekal dan Memasang Karpet serta memberikan Keselesaan dan Ketenangan MAKSIMUM kepada mereka yang membeli karpet daripada kami, sehingga mereka tidak lagi rasa takut ditipu dan dikejami oleh peniaga yang tidak bertanggungjawab. 

EZYNX CARPET bertanggungjawab memberikan yang terbaik kepada pelanggannya dari segi kualiti, jaminan dan kepuasan yang MAKSIMA. 

Berpengalaman menguruskan dan memasang karpet sejak 2012, serta mempunyai tenaga kerja yang banyak dan mantap. Sebagai pembekal dan pemasang karpet yang berwibawa, kami tidak gentar akan segala cabaran yang datang. 

Antara jenis karpet yang kami bekalkan dan pasang adalah seperti karpet loop pile, karpet axminster, karpet custom made serta karpet hand made. 

Antara ciri-ciri karpet pejabat dan karpet masjid / karpet surau yang perlu dipilih ialah;

a) Karpet perlu berkualiti dari segi jahitan (karpet tidak berbulu sangat dan karpet yang kuat jahitannya)

b) Karpet yang tahan lama iaitu tahan air dan tahan api (tahan air bermaksud, ketahanan karpet tidak rosak bulu dan material setelah diselami air banjir dan air yang bocor dari dinding. Manakala tahan api bermaksud, karpet yang mempunyai radius ketahanan menahan api dari merebak secara drastik bila terjadinya kebakaran.

Karpet Pejabat

Karpet terdiri dari 2 kategori iaitu Karpet Gulung (roll carpet) dan Karpet Tile (carpet tile). Karpet Gulung (roll carpet) mempunyai kelebaran yang standard sama ada 12 kaki atau 13.12 kaki. Ia bergantung kepada ketebalan. Ketebalan karpet yang kami bekal dan pasang sekitar 1mm-12mm atau 10 oz hingga 72 oz. Panjang setiap karpet adalah 25m ke 30m. 

Karpet Tile (carpet tile) pula mempunyai ketebalan yang standard iaitu sekitar 5mm-7mm ketebalan. Ia mempunyai ukuran segi empat sama iaitu 18inci x 18 inci. Karpet Tile (carpet tile)  adalah untuk mereka yang mahukan lantai yang ber-alas tetapi senang nak mantainence. Memandangkan bentuknya bersegi empat, ia senang dipasang dan dibuka jika berlaku tumpahan air atau makanan di permukaannya. Karpet Tile (carpet tile)  dipasang dengan pelabagai jenis corak sama ada pemasangan zig zag, corak abstrak, dan corak linear. Karpet Tile (carpet tile) murah boleh didapatkan daripada kami dan anda pasti puas hati.

Sebagai Pembekal dan Pemasang Karpet, kami sangat menitikberatkan pemasangan yang berkualiti iaitu dari segi pemotongan karpet, penyambungan karpet dan kekemasan akhir karpet. Pemasangan karpet memerlukan 2 cara iaitu menggunakan Gam Khas karpet atau Meletakkan Kapas Underlay di bawah karpet.  Pemasangan karpet ini memerlukan masa 5 jam untuk 1000 kaki persegi yang pertama.

Setakat ini, kami telah memasang karpet sekitar Semenanjung Malaysia dan juga Singapura. 

Karpet Pejabat yang menjadi tarikan semua pembeli kebanyakannya memilih karpet murah dan tahan lama iaitu Karpet 18oz warna Plain. Ia dikatakan Karpet Pejabat Murah kerana harganya yang mampu milik. Ya. Sangat Murah. Ia serendah RM3! (hubungi kami untuk lebih diskaun) .

Karpet pejabat yang tebal sekitar 40 oz, sangat sesuai dipasang di bilik VIP dimana ia bukan sahaja memberikan keselesaan malah memberikan anjalan kepada kaki dan implikasinya, kaki kita kurang tekanan secara langsung menenankan fikiran dan jiwa. 

Karpet Masjid / Karpet Surau

Karpet Masjid dan Karpet Surau pula sangat dikehendaki apabila hampir menjelang Ramadhan setiap tahun. Pada masa ini ramai Pewakaf dan Penderma mencari masjid dan surau untuk diberikan karpet yang baru. Mereka tahu pahala sedekah dan amal jariah ini akan dibawa sehingga ke hari akhirat. Ada hadis mengatakan 3 perkara yang kita akan dibawa ke hari akhirat 1) Doa Anak yg Soleh. 2) Ilmu yang diajarkan . 3) Sedekah dan amal jariah.

Karpet Masjid yang dikatakan tebal 26oz ke 32oz sesuai dipasang di surau dan 36oz ke atas sangat sesuai dipasang di masjid yang besar. Hal ini kerana, semakin besar luas kawasan wajib menggunakan yang tebal dan berkualiti bagi menampung orang ramai yang mengimarahkan masjid. Karpet akan lebih tahan lama dan akan mengurangkan perbelanjaan masjid. Malah membuatkan pengurusan masjid akan lebih efisyen menggunakan kewangan kepada aktiviti yang lain.

Harga karpet malaysia yang kami berikan adalah sangat mampu milik sama ada untuk kontraktor mahupun end customer. Walaupun kami mempunyai karpet murah, tetapi kami menjaga kualiti dari segi bekal dan pasang. 

 Karpet yang Murah ada beberapa faktor, tapi jangan khuatir, karpet murah ada juga kualiti yang baik. Karpet Murah tak bermaksud tuan akan dapat produk yang kualiti rendah, tapi kene ikut pada keadaan. Jika tuan puan mahukan karpet murah, kami akan berikan beberapa option untuk mendapatkannya. Insyaallah karpet pejabat dan karpet masjid yang murah ada di syarikat kami. 

Vinyl Flooring

Kami bukan sahaja menjual karpet pejabat, karpet masjid dan karpet surau, kami juga menjual dan membekal Vinyl Flooring kepada pelanggan kami. Vinyl Flooring merupakan salah satu alternatif bagi mereka yang mahukan lantai berira kayu tetapi tidak menggunakan material kayu pada lantai mereka. Hal ini kerana material kayu iaitu laminate flooring dan timber flooring alah kepada air apabila ia terkena kepada permukaan laminate flooring atau timber flooring. Material Vinyl Flooring adalah daripada getah (rubber) yang berkualiti dan ketebalannya 2mm-3mm. Vinyl Flooring sangat tahan kepada air dan ia sangat sesuai dipasang di lantai dapur dan depan bilik air. Kebiasaanya Vinyl Flooring dipadankan dengan Laminate Flooring. Harga Vinyl Flooring murah dan mampu milik oleh semua yang sukakan corak ira kayu. 

Testimoni Pelanggan

"Kerja yang sangat kemas dan karpet yang berkualiti dan harga yang mampu milik. Saya sangat berpuas hati" 
- Encik Zul, Ampang

"Senang berurusan dengan peniaga, CEPAT, MUDAH, JUJUR" - Abang Game Simulator, Kota Damansara

"Peniaga dan Karpet Sangat Berkualiti, Terima Kasih kerana membuat kerja dengan kemas" 
- En Ali, Bandar Tasik Selatan

Kami yakin dengan usaha yang dijalankan dan kerjasama daripada anda, kami mampu memberikan kepuasan kerja yang maksimum kepada anda. Dalam laman ini kami akan memberikan gambar-gambar projek yang telah kami laksanakan.

Kelebihan Pelanggan Bersama Kami

1.     Senang berurusan 
2.     Kelembutan dan Keselesaan yang Maksima
3.     Pelanggan merasa lebih santai dan tenang dengan kejujuran peniaga
4.     Mudah Dicuci dan Diuruskan 
5.     Jaminan Pemasangan 1 tahun
6.     Tahan lasak
7.     Tidak Mudah Terbakar

Apakah yang Anda Dapat Dari Kami

1.     Sebut Harga PERCUMA 
2.     Khidmat Nasihat PERCUMA
3.     Katalog Disediakan Untuk Membuat Pemilihan
4.     Kualiti Karpet yang Tinggi
5.     Mempunyai Pelbagai Corak dan Warna
6.     Pemasangan yang Cepat dan Kemas

Promosi Daripada KAMI


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0134777862 -Azman

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Disclaimer: Apa yang kami nyatakan di web ini adalah benar dan tepat mengikut fakta semasa dan dari ulasan pengguna sebenar. Pengguna dinasihatkan menggunakan servis ini seperti arahan pada produk servis. Namun kami tidak bertanggungjawab jika sebarang masalah/komplikasi berlaku kepada pengguna di atas penggunaan produk servis ini

Disclaimer: Testimoni di atas adalah dari pengguna produk kami yang sebenar. Namun hasil mungkin berbeza mengikut keadaan.

*EZYNX Carpet*

Carpet Installation in Malaysia: Elevating Your Living Spaces

As a homeowner or business owner in Malaysia, the decision to install new carpeting can be an exciting yet daunting task. From selecting the right material and style to finding a reliable and professional installation team, the process can seem overwhelming. However, with the right information and guidance, you can navigate the world of carpet installation with confidence and ease.In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the key aspects of carpet installation in the Malaysian market, covering everything from essential keywords to the step-by-step installation process. Whether you're looking for professional carpet installation services, seeking affordable options, or simply want to learn more about the installation process, this article has you covered.

Keyword-Driven Carpet Installation Insights in Malaysia

When it comes to carpet installation in Malaysia, certain keywords and phrases hold significant importance in the world of search engine optimization (SEO) and customer search behavior. By understanding these keywords and incorporating them into your research and decision-making process, you can ensure that you find the right carpet installation solution for your needs.

Carpet Installation Malaysia

The term "carpet installation Malaysia" is the foundation of our exploration. This broad keyword encompasses the entire process of having new carpeting installed in a residential or commercial space within the Malaysian market. It's a crucial starting point for anyone seeking carpet installation services in the country.

Professional Carpet Installation Malaysia

When it comes to carpet installation in Malaysia, many homeowners and business owners prefer to work with experienced professionals. The keyword "professional carpet installation Malaysia" reflects the desire for high-quality, reliable, and expertly executed installation services within the Malaysian context.

Affordable Carpet Installation Malaysia

Cost is often a significant factor in the decision-making process, and the keyword "affordable carpet installation Malaysia" indicates a search for carpet installation options that fit within a specific budget in the Malaysian market. Identifying affordable solutions can help you make an informed decision that aligns with your financial constraints.

Carpet Installation Near Me Malaysia

The phrase "carpet installation near me Malaysia" is a location-specific keyword that suggests a search for carpet installation services within a specific geographic area in Malaysia. This is particularly important for local businesses and homeowners who want to work with a carpet installation provider in their immediate vicinity.

Carpet Installation Services Malaysia

The keyword "carpet installation services Malaysia" encompasses the broader range of services that carpet installation companies may offer in the Malaysian market, such as measurement, removal of old carpeting, and post-installation cleanup. Understanding the scope of services available can help you make a more informed decision.

Carpet Installation Cost Malaysia

The cost of carpet installation is a crucial consideration for many individuals and businesses in Malaysia. The keyword "carpet installation cost Malaysia" indicates a search for information on the various factors that can influence the overall cost of the installation process within the Malaysian context.

Carpet Installation Tips Malaysia

Homeowners and business owners in Malaysia often seek guidance and advice when it comes to carpet installation. The keyword "carpet installation tips Malaysia" suggests a search for practical, actionable information that can help ensure a successful and smooth installation experience in the Malaysian market.

Carpet Installation Process Malaysia

Finally, the keyword "carpet installation process Malaysia" reflects a desire to understand the step-by-step procedures involved in having new carpeting installed in Malaysia. Knowing the details of the installation process can help set realistic expectations and prepare for a seamless experience.By understanding and incorporating these essential keywords into your research and decision-making process, you can optimize your search efforts and find the perfect carpet installation solution for your needs in the Malaysian market.

Professional Carpet Installation in Malaysia: Elevating Your Spaces

When it comes to carpet installation in Malaysia, working with a professional team can make all the difference in the world. Professional carpet installers in Malaysia bring a wealth of experience, expertise, and attention to detail that can elevate the overall quality and longevity of your new carpeting.

Expertise and Craftsmanship

Professional carpet installers in Malaysia have undergone extensive training and have honed their skills over years of experience. They understand the intricacies of different carpet materials, the proper techniques for cutting and fitting the carpet, and the importance of attention to detail. This expertise ensures that your new carpeting is installed with precision, resulting in a seamless and visually appealing finish.

Proper Tools and Equipment

Professional carpet installation companies in Malaysia invest in high-quality tools and equipment to ensure a successful installation. From specialized cutting tools to power stretchers, these tools allow the installers to work efficiently and effectively, minimizing the risk of errors or damage to your flooring or furniture.

Efficient and Timely Installation

Experienced professional installers in Malaysia can complete the carpet installation process in a timely and efficient manner, minimizing disruption to your daily routine. They have a well-established workflow and can navigate any challenges that may arise, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience for you.

Warranty and Guarantee

Many professional carpet installation companies in Malaysia offer warranties or guarantees on their work, providing you with added peace of mind. If any issues arise with the installation, you can rest assured that the company will stand behind their work and address any concerns promptly.

Personalized Guidance and Advice

When you work with a professional carpet installation team in Malaysia, you'll have the opportunity to receive personalized guidance and advice. They can help you select the right carpet material, color, and style to suit your specific needs and preferences, ensuring that your new carpeting perfectly complements your space.

Attention to Safety and Cleanliness

Professional installers in Malaysia prioritize safety and cleanliness throughout the installation process. They take measures to protect your furniture, walls, and other surfaces, and they ensure that the work area is thoroughly cleaned up upon completion, leaving your space looking pristine.By choosing a professional carpet installation service in Malaysia, you can elevate the overall quality and appearance of your new carpeting, while also enjoying a seamless and stress-free installation experience.

Affordable Carpet Installation in Malaysia: Balancing Quality and Cost

While professional carpet installation in Malaysia offers numerous benefits, it's understandable that cost may be a significant factor in your decision-making process. Fortunately, there are ways to find affordable carpet installation solutions in Malaysia without compromising on quality.

Researching Local Providers in Malaysia

One of the best ways to find affordable carpet installation services in Malaysia is to research local providers in your area. These businesses may offer more competitive pricing compared to larger, national companies, as they have lower overhead costs and can tailor their services to the specific needs of the local community.

Comparing Quotes and Estimates in Malaysia

When searching for affordable carpet installation in Malaysia, it's essential to compare quotes and estimates from multiple providers. This will give you a better understanding of the range of pricing in your local market and help you identify the most cost-effective solution that still meets your quality standards.

Considering DIY or Semi-DIY Options in Malaysia

For homeowners in Malaysia with some DIY experience, the option of a semi-DIY carpet installation can be a cost-effective alternative. This involves purchasing the carpet materials yourself and then hiring a professional installer to handle the more technical aspects of the installation process, such as stretching and seaming the carpet.

Exploring Carpet Remnants and Discounted Materials in Malaysia

Another way to find affordable carpet installation in Malaysia is to look for carpet remnants or discounted materials. Carpet retailers and manufacturers in Malaysia often sell off excess or discontinued inventory at reduced prices, which can translate to significant savings on your overall installation costs.

Timing Your Installation Strategically in Malaysia

The timing of your carpet installation in Malaysia can also impact the overall cost. Certain times of the year, such as the off-season or during slower periods, may offer more favorable pricing from carpet installation providers as they compete for business.

Negotiating and Asking for Discounts in Malaysia

Don't be afraid to negotiate with carpet installation providers in Malaysia or ask about any available discounts. Many companies may be willing to offer promotional pricing, bundle deals, or other incentives to secure your business, especially if you're a repeat customer or can provide a referral.By exploring these affordable options in the Malaysian market, you can find a carpet installation solution that fits your budget without compromising on quality or the overall appearance and performance of your new carpeting.

Carpet Installation Near Me in Malaysia: Prioritizing Convenience and Local Expertise

When it comes to carpet installation in Malaysia, the convenience of working with a local provider can be a significant advantage. By focusing your search on "carpet installation near me Malaysia," you can benefit from the expertise and responsiveness of a company that understands the unique needs and characteristics of your local community.

Reduced Travel and Delivery Costs in Malaysia

Choosing a carpet installation provider in your immediate vicinity in Malaysia can help you avoid the additional costs associated with travel and delivery. Local companies may offer more competitive pricing or even free delivery and installation, as they don't have to factor in the expenses of transporting materials and personnel over longer distances.

Faster Response Times in Malaysia

Local carpet installation companies in Malaysia are often more agile and responsive to the needs of their community. When you work with a provider in your area, you can expect faster response times for scheduling, addressing any issues that may arise, and providing ongoing support and maintenance.

Familiarity with Local Regulations and Codes in Malaysia

Carpet installation companies that operate within your local area in Malaysia are likely to be well-versed in the specific building codes, regulations, and zoning requirements that apply to your region. This knowledge can help ensure a seamless and compliant installation process, avoiding any potential delays or complications.

Personalized Customer Service in Malaysia

Working with a local carpet installation provider in Malaysia often means you'll receive a more personalized level of customer service. These companies tend to have a vested interest in maintaining strong relationships with their community, and they may be more willing to go the extra mile to ensure your satisfaction.

Supporting the Local Economy in Malaysia

By choosing a carpet installation company in your local area in Malaysia, you're not only benefiting from their expertise and convenience but also supporting the growth and development of your community's economy. This can have a positive ripple effect, contributing to the overall prosperity and vibrancy of your neighborhood.When searching for "carpet installation near me Malaysia," take the time to research local providers, read reviews, and compare their offerings to find the best fit for your needs. The advantages of working with a nearby carpet installation company in Malaysia can make a significant difference in your overall experience and the final outcome of your new flooring.

Carpet Installation Services in Malaysia: Comprehensive Solutions for Your Needs

Carpet installation in Malaysia is a multi-faceted process that involves more than just the physical act of laying down new carpeting. Reputable carpet installation companies in the country often offer a comprehensive suite of services to ensure a seamless and successful project from start to finish.

Measurement and Consultation in Malaysia

The first step in the carpet installation process in Malaysia is often a professional measurement and consultation. Experienced installers will visit your space, take precise measurements, and provide guidance on the best carpet options to suit your needs, preferences, and budget.

Removal and Disposal of Old Carpeting in Malaysia

Before the new carpeting can be installed, the old carpet must be carefully removed and disposed of. Carpet installation companies in Malaysia typically offer this service, ensuring a smooth transition and minimizing the hassle for you.

Subfloor Preparation in Malaysia

Proper subfloor preparation is crucial for the longevity and performance of your new carpeting. Carpet installation professionals in Malaysia will assess the condition of your subfloor and make any necessary repairs or adjustments to ensure a stable and level surface for the new carpet.

Carpet Cutting and Fitting in Malaysia

Cutting and fitting the carpet to the exact dimensions of your space requires skill and precision. Carpet installation experts in Malaysia use specialized tools and techniques to ensure a seamless, wrinkle-free finish, even in complex or irregular-shaped rooms.

Carpet Stretching and Seaming in Malaysia

Properly stretching and seaming the carpet is essential for a high-quality, long-lasting installation. Carpet installation companies in Malaysia employ power stretchers and other specialized equipment to ensure the carpet is taut and securely in place, with invisible seams.

Post-Installation Cleanup in Malaysia

After the new carpeting is installed, the carpet installation team will thoroughly clean up the work area, removing any debris or leftover materials. This attention to detail helps maintain a clean and organized living or work environment.

Warranty and Ongoing Support in Malaysia

Many reputable carpet installation companies in Malaysia offer warranties on their workmanship, providing you with added peace of mind. They may also be available for any future maintenance or repair needs, ensuring the longevity of your new carpeting.By understanding the comprehensive range of services offered by carpet installation providers in Malaysia, you can make an informed decision and ensure that your carpet installation project is executed with the utmost care and professionalism.

Carpet Installation Cost in Malaysia: Factors to Consider

When it comes to the cost of carpet installation in Malaysia, there are several factors to consider. Understanding these variables can help you budget effectively and make an informed decision that aligns with your financial constraints.

Carpet Material and Quality in Malaysia

The type of carpet material and its quality can significantly impact the overall cost of the installation in Malaysia. Higher-end, premium carpets will generally be more expensive than more budget-friendly options. Factors such as fiber type, density, and durability all contribute to the final price.

Room Size and Layout in Malaysia

The size of the room or area to be carpeted is a crucial factor in determining the cost in Malaysia. Larger spaces will require more carpet material and may involve additional labor and time, resulting in a higher overall cost. Additionally, the layout and complexity of the room, such as the presence of stairs or irregular shapes, can also influence the installation cost.

Subfloor Preparation in Malaysia

If the subfloor requires extensive preparation, such as leveling, patching, or moisture remediation, the cost of the carpet installation in Malaysia may increase. Proper subfloor preparation is essential for the longevity and performance of the new carpeting, so this investment is often necessary.

Carpet Removal and Disposal in Malaysia

The removal and disposal of the existing carpet can also add to the overall cost of the installation in Malaysia. Some carpet installation companies may include this service in their pricing, while others may charge an additional fee.

Labor and Installation Expertise in Malaysia

The expertise and experience of the carpet installation team in Malaysia can also impact the cost. Reputable, professional installers may charge higher rates, but their work often comes with a warranty and a higher level of craftsmanship.

Additional Services in Malaysia

Carpet installation companies in Malaysia may offer additional services, such as furniture moving, baseboard removal and reinstallation, or custom cutting and fitting, which can increase the overall cost of the project.

Timing and Seasonality in Malaysia

The timing of your carpet installation in Malaysia can also affect the cost. Certain times of the year, such as the peak season or holidays, may see higher demand and, consequently, higher prices from carpet installation providers.By understanding these key factors that influence the cost of carpet installation in Malaysia, you can better prepare your budget, negotiate with providers, and make an informed decision that aligns with your financial constraints without compromising on quality or the overall success of your project.

Carpet Installation Tips in Malaysia: Ensuring a Smooth and Successful Process

Embarking on a carpet installation project in Malaysia can be an exciting yet daunting task. To help ensure a smooth and successful experience, here are some valuable tips to keep in mind:

Measure Accurately in Malaysia

Accurate measurements are crucial for determining the correct amount of carpet needed and avoiding costly waste or unexpected installation challenges. Be sure to measure the room or area carefully, taking into account any unique shapes or features.

Choose the Right Carpet in Malaysia

Selecting the right carpet material, style, and color is essential for achieving the desired aesthetic and performance. Consider factors such as foot traffic, maintenance requirements, and how the carpet will complement your existing decor.

Prepare the Subfloor in Malaysia

Ensure that the subfloor is clean, level, and free of any debris or irregularities. This will provide a stable foundation for the new carpeting and help prevent issues like uneven wear or premature deterioration.

Communicate Clearly with the Installer in Malaysia

Establish open communication with the carpet installation team, providing them with detailed information about your expectations, timeline, and any special considerations. This will help ensure a seamless and efficient installation process.

Protect Your Furniture and Belongings in Malaysia

Before the installation begins, take the time to move and protect any furniture, artwork, or other valuables that may be in the work area. This will prevent any accidental damage during the installation process.

Understand the Warranty and Maintenance in Malaysia

Familiarize yourself with the warranty coverage and recommended maintenance procedures for your new carpeting in Malaysia. This will help you keep the carpet looking its best and ensure that you can take advantage of any manufacturer or installer guarantees.

Be Prepared for Disruption in Malaysia

Carpet installation can be a disruptive process, so be prepared for some temporary inconvenience. Plan ahead by clearing the work area, making alternative arrangements for pets or children, and setting aside time for the installation to be completed.

Inspect the Final Result in Malaysia

Once the installation is complete, thoroughly inspect the work to ensure that the carpet is properly stretched, seams are invisible, and the overall appearance meets your expectations. Address any concerns with the installation team promptly.By following these carpet installation tips in the Malaysian market, you can help ensure a smooth and successful project, from the initial planning stages to the final reveal of your beautiful new carpeting

KEDAI KARPET Pembekal karpet pejabat - Pembekal karpet pejabat for sale for RM 2 at Seri Kembangan, Selangor.



  2. Bajet utk karpet surau sekolah mcm mane

  3. Mohon harga pasang 12mm utk 1200 utk surau

  4. Mohon harga untuk surau l/k 2000kp.. 12mm

  5. Salam,
    Mohon harga dan design untuk karpet surau dengan ketebalan 32oz untuk keluasan 10' x 16'

  6. Hygiene CaHygiene Car Chusion , Carpet & Rug Cleaner, Upsholerty , Mattress And Curtain Cleaner Johor Bahru

    LAC 11
    Smart Auto Larkin, Jalan Langkasuka, Larkin, 80350 Johor Bahru, Johor

    016-769 8969

    1. MasyaAllah tunggu macam pokok tak berbuah.

  7. Dear Sir/Madam,

    We are Saydam Tekstil San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. carpet manufacturer and exporter from Turkey/Gaziantep which is established in 1982 and we would like to make our company and its products are known to you. We provide all types of machine-made carpets (Heatset (PP), Polyester, Frize, Acrylic). We also produce according to the customer's request. If you are interested, we will be happy to send you any further information. We may be available in the near future to discuss the subject with you as well. Thanking for your kind interest and we look forward your early reply.
    Yours sincerely,

    Best regards, Ramazan Yüksel
    Export Manager
    Tel. : +90.342 337 3297-98
    Fax : +90.342 337 3299
    Contact person : +90.0539 511 84 05
    Web Site:


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